Wednesday, September 25, 2019

7 Reasons Why Being Alone isn’t Bad

being alone is better

Dance like no one’s watching

We’ve all heard this quote and we’ve all embraced it. However, there is problem: someone is always watching. Someone is always there around you when you work – squinting their eyes and giving unasked opinions.  Sometimes, you value these opinions so much that you become afraid of being along – forgetting that being alone it isn’t bad at all. In fact, being alone is the greatest gift you can give to your stressed self.

As an only child who spends his days dreaming up fictional creations and living in amazing scenarios, let me tell you this: being alone let you do as you think, and you can always think amazing things.

And that’s not all I got 7 more reasons to play an advocate of solitariness.

Here are the 7 reasons being alone is not bad


  1. You no longer seek validation from others: Being around people is good, but it also limits you. For an insecure person, being in a crowd is like jumping into the pond of great whites. You constantly seek their validation from all the judgemental eyes. As a result, you try to change yourself for others, even before knowing what you are. Spending some time alone helps you validate yourself.
  1. It helps you prepare for a conversation: What do you do when you have an interview schedules the next day? You go in front of the mirror – alone – and have a conversation with yourself. You try to get all the answers and the mannerisms right so that once you face the interviewer, you are confident. The same happens when you go out on a date. Being alone helps you prepare.
By running all possible scenarios and having fictional conversations, you make yourself ready to face anything.

  1. You don’t have to compromise: I can’t tell you how many times I had to choose a way expensive restaurant to eat out because of expectation of my peers. I am a guy who likes cheap food, and is comfortable in cheap places. Being alone lets me be me.
The same can be with you. You can do whatever your heart desires, on your own time, and at your own pace. You don’t have to listen to anyone.

  1.  It’s the only way to know yourself: Do you think you enjoy watching The Dark Knight Rises? Or you are merely tolerating it because your friends like it so much? Do you know what gets you motivated? Do you know what makes you a better person?
Answers to these questions can only be found when you spend some time alone. When you put these questions to others, they are going to answer with their own perceptions. But here is the thing, it’s their perception. Listening to their perception over and over will drive you away from the real you. So, spend time alone and inquire yourself.

  1. It recharges your brain: When you are alone, your mind can finally relax. You can get lost into your imagination and come out with great ideas. Then once you’re ready to work, you work with more vigour, creativity and excitement.
Also, once your brain is charged, you become full with self-motivation to move forward with your day and conquer it.

  1. It lets you tackle stress: You always seek distraction to curb stress. You choose it not out of necessity, but out of fear. Fear that once you are alone, we are going to over think and your brain will explode. This fear is a lie of limitation that you have to overcome. In fact, spending some time alone is one of the many secrets of a stress free life. 
Being alone will make you ask yourself questions. Why is this problem unsolvable? Is there an alternative solution? Why am I stressed? The closer you are to their answers, the less stressful you feel.

  1. You’ll have more freedom: There is no feeling greater than being free to do whatever you want, be whatever you want, and eat whatever you want. Even when you make mistakes by doing anything, you’ll realize it on your own. This way, freedom will make you wiser.


If you can’t Dance like no one’s watching, you can dance when no one is watching. Have some fun on your own, with yourself, looking into your own being. Spending time away from prying eyes is the key to know oneself. Because if you define yourself, others will do it for you.


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